Wall Guard Waterproof Cement Paint

Wall Guard Waterproof Cement Paint

Performance Features:

  • Excellent adhesion to most building materials.
  • Very good water resistance.
  • Not affected by UV- rays.
  • Compatible with all types of paints.
  • Excellent hiding facilitates more coverage of paints.
  • Good algae and fungus resistance. · High durability
  • Smooth Finish
  • VOC free

Area of Application :

  • Concrete/Mortar Plaster
  • Interior & Exterior walls

Use: Exterior / Interior
Coating System: 2 Coats
Packing: 20 Kg.


Wall Guard is a premium quality waterproof cement paint that is used on interior & exterior surfaces of buildings. It is improvised with state of art technology achieved through continuous research & development. Its formulation results in easy mixing. excellent holding, excellent resistance to fungal & algae growth, longer pot life, easy brushability, and extra covering capacity. Proper application of Super Arshcem coating provides extra durability and longer life to the paint film.

Surface Preparation
Newly plastered surfaces should be allowed to mature 8-10 weeks before application of cement paint to achieve dryness & proper setting. The surface should be free from efflorescence (saltpeter) or algae & fungus at the time of application of cement paint. To treat efflorescence (saltpeter) on freshly plastered walls, apply to the affected surface. 8-10% solution of Hydrochloric Acid water with a paintbrush. Leave it for 5-10 minutes or when bubbling on the surface stops. Wash down the surface liberally with water. (Ensure wearing of rubber gloves during this exercise). Algae & fungus can be treated, by treating the infected area with either a fungicidal wash or by applying a 4-5% solution in water of calcium hypochlorite (with approx. 35% chlorine content) or a household bleach by brush. Leave it for 24 hours. Wash liberally with clean water and a stiff wire brush and allow it to dry. All Surfaces where cement paint is to be applied should be clean, stable, dry & free from any cracks, loose flaky coatings, algae, fungus, grease, dirt, dust, distemper, lime, etc. Walls with multi coats of cement paint should be thoroughly scraped with a wire brush and washed with water before the application of a new coating of cement paint. Do not use sandpaper.

Mixing of paint
Roll or shake the bag to loosen the contents. Take one volume of water in a clean container. Add two volumes of Super Arshcem. Stir well with a thick wooden stick or with a hand to get a thick soft paste. Add another volume of water to make it brushable consistency. The paint thus prepared should be used within two hours. Keep the bag tightly closed in a dry place when not in use.

Before the use of cement paint, walls should be pre-wetted by a spray of water. In the summer months, the walls become very dry and warm because of the high temperature. It is therefore advisable to pre-wet only small areas to ensure retaining of moisture at the time of application of cement paint. Avoid the application of cement paint in strong and direct sunlight.

Water curing
After 8 to 10 hours of application of the first coat of cement paint, the surface should be sprayed with clean potable water. Please note that if the curing is not done, it will result in the non-setting of cement paint. After setting the first coat, the surface should again be wetted before the application of the second coat of cement paint. After 8 to 10 hours of the second coat, final curing should be done twice a day for 2-3 days.





Eco Friendly

ISO Certified